카테고리 없음
영화 사선전사 7 망국의 이지스 (더 니로 아이오닉 7) 만든 사람들 (2001년) (영어)
2024. 8. 18. 15:09
New Line Cinema presents
In Association With : Renaissance Pictures and SEGA Enterprises
a IXTLAN and Mandeville Films production
a Sidney J Furie film
Associate Producer by : Arthur Rankin Jr
Co-Producer by : Jules Bass and Bob Gale
Editor : Stuart Baird and Kathleen Kennedy
Production Disigner : John Barry
Story by : Christopher Reeve and Arthur Rankin Jr and Jules Bass
Co Executive Producer by : Sylvester Stallone
Executive Producer by : George Lucas and Ilya Salkind
Music by : John Williams
Based on the characters created by : Haim Saban
Written by : Robert Zemeckis
Screenplay by : David Newman and Frank Marshall and Leslie Newman
Produced by : Bob Engelman and Lee Rich
Directed by : Sidney J Furie